4 분 소요


저번 시간에는 Transaction Management 에 대하여 알아보았다.

이번 시간에는 Normalization에 대해 알아보자.

배경지식 🍔

DB Design

Bad Design

[Bad Design]


  • Relation may not be well-designed, thus causing us a lot of problems
  • Problems(= Anomalies):
    • Redundancy: repetition of data
      • update anomalies
        • update one item and forget others
        • inconsistencies
      • deletion anomalies
        • delete many items
        • delete one item, loose other information
      • insertion anomalies
        • can’t insert one item without inserting others

Good Design

[Better Design: Break the relation into two]


  • Original db schema R 사용
  • Good design R* 얻을 때까지 반복
  • R* 이상적인 조건
    • R 정보 포함
    • Redundancy ↓
    • Dependency-preserving; R \(\leftrightarrow\) constraints C \(\rightarrow\) C \(\leftrightarrow\) R*
    • Good query performance

그렇다면, 어떻게 좋은 R* 찾아낼 수 있을까?

상기 문제를 해결하고자 고안된 것이 바로 normal forms이다.

Normal Forms 🍚

  • DB gurus:
    • Normal forms (Boyce-Codd, 3rd, and 4th normal forms)
      • Based on various constraints
      • R* = one of these forms \(\rightarrow\) R* is guaranteed to achieve certain good properties
        • e.g., if R* is in Boyce-Codd NF, it is guaranteed to not have certain types of redundancy
    • Algorithms to transform R into R* that is in some of these normal forms
    • Trade-offs among normal forms
  • Our job:
    • learn these forms
    • transform R into R* in one of these forms
    • carefully evaluate the trade-offs

Normalization 목적 ★★★★★★★★★

To find a good relational schema by minimizing redundency

Relation Keys

  • Key of a relation R is a set of attributes (primary key)
    • functionally determines all attributes of R
      • creates a FD A \(\rightarrow\) B
    • none of its subsets determines all attributes of R
  • Superkey \(\Leftrightarrow\) Key
    • a set of attributes that contains a key

Finding the Keys of a Relation

  1. Entity set: the key of the relation = the set of attributes, the key of the entity set.


  1. Many-many relationship: the key of the relation = the set of all attribute keys in the relations corresponding to the entity sets


  1. Many-one, one-many, one-one relationships, Multi-way relationships, Weak entity sets

The set of attributes A is a key \(\rightarrow\) certain FDs are true.

Functional Dependencies

\(A \rightarrow B:\ A\ functionally\ determines\ B\)

  • A form of constraint (hence, part of the schema)
  • Finding them is part of the database design
  • Used heavily in schema refinement
  • When creating a DB schema, we should list all FDs we believe are valid
  • FDs should be valid on ALL DB database instances conforming to our schema

\(A_1,A_2,...,A_n\ \rightarrow\ B_1,B_2,...,B_n\)

  • If two tuples agree on the attributes \(A_1,A_2,...,A_n\), then they must also agree on the attributes \(B_1,B_2,...,B_n\)


\[EmpID\ \rightarrow Name,\ Phone,\ Position\] \[Position\ \rightarrow\ Phone\] \[Phone\ \nrightarrow\ Position\]

Phone 1234는 Position에서 ClerkLawyer 두 가지 튜플을 가지기 때문에 dependency가 성립하지 않는 모습이다.

Functional Dependency 증명

[\(A \rightarrow B\)]


  1. Erase all other columns
  2. Check if \(A\ \Leftrightarrow \ B\) many-one (called functional in mathematics)

Reasoning with FDs

1) closure of FD sets

Relation Schema R: \(R = {A,B,C,G,H,I}\)

A set S of FDs: \(S = A \rightarrow B, A \rightarrow C, CG \rightarrow H, CG \rightarrow I, B \rightarrow H\)

  • Closure of S: S+ = all FDs logically implied by S
  • \(A \rightarrow H\) logically implied
  • Compute S+ using Armstrong’s axioms
    • For each f in S, apply reflexivity and augment. rules
    • Add the new FDs to S+
    • For each pair of FDs in S, apply the transitivity rule
    • Add the new FD to S+
    • Until S+ does not change any further

Armstrong’s Axioms

  • Reflexivity rule
    • \[A1A2...An \rightarrow\ a\ subset\ of\ A1A2...An\]
  • Augmentation rule
    • \[A1A2...An \rightarrow B1B2...Bm,\ then\ A1A2...An C1C2..Ck \rightarrow B1B2...Bm C1C2...Ck\]
  • Transitivity rule
    • \[A1A2...An \rightarrow B1B2...Bm\ and\ B1B2...Bm \rightarrow C1C2...Ck,\ then\ A1A2...An \rightarrow C1C2...Ck\]

Additional Rules

  • Union rule
    • \(X \rightarrow Y\ and\ X \rightarrow Z,\ then\ X \rightarrow YZ\) (X, Y, Z are sets of attributes)
  • Decomposition rule
    • \[X \rightarrow YZ,\ then\ X \rightarrow Y\ and\ X \rightarrow Z\]
  • Pseudo-transitivity rule
    • \[X \rightarrow Y\ and\ YZ \rightarrow U,\ then\ XZ \rightarrow U\]

2) closure of attribute sets


The closure of {A1, …, An}, denoted {A1, …, An}+, is the set of all such attributes B

  • 1) Functionally determined by A1, …, An
  • 2) Satisfies S, a set of FDs S


Desirable Properties of Schema Refinement


  1. minimize redundancy
  2. avoid info loss (lossless decomposition)
  3. preserve dependency
  4. ensure good query performance


Relation Decomposition

Desirable Property #1: Minimize redundancy


분해된 테이블들을 다시 기존 테이블로 변환할 때, 하기 문제점이 발생한다.


Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF)



A simple condition for removing anomalies from relations:

        Whenever there is a nontrivial FD {A1,A2,...,An --> B}
        for  R , it is the case that {A1,A2,...,An --> B}
        is a super-key for R. 

Super Key

Whenever a set of attributes of R is determining another attribute, it is a super-key, and thus should determine all attributes of R. (A key is also a super-key)

BCNF Decomposition

  • BCNF removes certain types of redundancy
  • For examples of redundancy that it cannot remove, see “multivalued redundancy”
  • BCNF avoids info loss
  1. Find a dependency that violates the BCNF condition:
\[A_1, A_2, … A_n \rightarrow B_1, B_2, ..., B_m\]
  1. Decompose: Continue until there are no BCNF violations left.


Any 2-attribute relation is in BCNF.

예시 1


What are the FDs?

  • \(SSN \rightarrow Name\).

Does this FD satisfy the BCNF condition?

  • No, \(SSN \nrightarrow Phone\ Number\).

Is the relation in BCNF?

  • No

Decompose it into BCNF


  • 주어진 FD에서 \(super\ key \rightarrow 나머지\).
    • \(SSN \rightarrow Phone\ Number\) 추가.

예시 2


FD: \(SSN \rightarrow Name, Age, Eye\ Color\). BCNF: \(Person1(SSN, Name, Age, EyeColor), Person2(SSN, PhoneNumber)\).

예시 3



  • \(SSN \rightarrow Name, Age, Eye\ Color\).
  • \(Age \rightarrow Draft-worthy\).

BCNF: \(Person1a(SSN,Name,Age,EyeColor),\ Person1b(Age, Draft-worthy),\ Person2(SSN, PhoneNumber)\)

  • STEP 1: \(SSN \rightarrow Name, Age, EyeColor, Draft-worthy\).
    • STEP 2: \(SSN \rightarrow Name, Age, EyeColor\).
    • STEP 2: \(Age \rightarrow Draft-worthy\).
  • STEP 1: \(SSN \rightarrow PhoneNumber\).

더 많은 예제


Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
